We make getting your new professional logo fun and easy!
Our award-winning designers have meticulously created each logo, selected the perfect font to match and included a variety of color choices so you can pick one that is just right for you.

How it works


Search our selection of designer logos by keyword(s) or browse logos by style or category.


When you find a logo you like, pick your favorite color option from the different palettes available.


Enter your company name and optional second line. Place your logo into the cart and check out!


We customize your logo with your company name and send it to you in a variety of file formats within 2 business days.

What you get

Your customized logo will be delivered to you by email within 2 business days after you complete your purchase.
You will receive it in several file formats that are perfect for most applications.

You will also receive a link to the google font we have paired with your logo, and the colors for your new brand!


A beautiful hand-crafted logo, designed with your company name

A JPG file of your logo with your company name, 2400 x 2400 pixels at 300dpi (8 inches)

A PNG file of your logo with your company name, 2400 x 2400 pixels at 300dpi (8 inches)

A PNG file of your logo only (no type), 2400 x 2400 pixels at 300dpi (8 inches)

vector (EPS) file Additional Option: For $10 more, you can get an additional Vector/eps file of your logo with outlined type


A beautiful hand-crafted logo that is unique to your company

A JPG file of your logo with your company name, 2400 x 2400 pixels at 300dpi (8 inches)

A PNG file of your logo with your company name, 2400 x 2400 pixels at 300dpi (8 inches)

A PNG file of your logo only (no type), 2400 x 2400 pixels at 300dpi (8 inches)

A vector (EPS) file of your exclusive logo with outlined type

Need stationery too?

We offer business cards, letterhead and envelope designs to go with your logo. Just follow the simple instructions after you put your chosen logo into your cart. See our Stationery!

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